Balancing Work and Your Recovery

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Laptop and mobile phone representing balancing work and addiction recovery.

Balancing your physical and mental health with a job can be challenging, especially if you are someone new to addiction recovery. Working in recovery doesn’t have to be overwhelming. By practicing mindfulness and receiving guidance from a supportive network of peers and mental health professionals, achieving a “healthy” work-life balance in recovery is possible. Start off slow by breaking up your day into manageable pieces. It is important to remind yourself that you do not need to get everything accomplished all at once.

Set an Intention

The foundation of a healthy work-life balance begins with an intention you set for yourself at the beginning of the day. This may include meditating for ten minutes before the chaos of your day begins. An intention could include a positive affirmation such as “I can do this!” “I am strong,” or “I am capable.” In addition to providing yourself with a mantra, grounding yourself with reminders to take things “one day at a time” may also be helpful before a hectic work day. If even that feels too overwhelming, adjust the mantra to “one hour at a time.”

Empower Yourself

Be kind to yourself each day. Some workdays may feel more strenuous than others. It’s crucial to honor the messages your mind and body are giving you each workday. If you need a five-minute break to stretch or deep breathe, take it! Be honest with yourself when asking your mind, body, and soul, “What do I need today in order to be productive?” The answer may be different each day, and that is perfectly okay. Being in early recovery involves self-compassion and kindness, so don’t forget to end each work day with a message of inner strength and compassion for yourself.

Recognize Triggers in the Workplace

As you become more open and honest with yourself in early recovery, you may discover that your professional career is not conducive to a life in sobriety. If this is the case, you have the choice to set boundaries that minimize triggers and choose a different career path. This does not show weakness, but more so inner strength because of your decision to honor your recovery. Protect your recovery, as it is precious. Do not allow your work environment to dictate your success in recovery.

Stay Connected

Make time for your program. Ensure you are carving out time to go to support meetings before or after work. If your soul feels fulfilled in attending support groups and working on your program, it is more likely you will feel confident and capable of completing a full workday. It is equally as important to make time to talk to supports throughout the day. Check in with your sober network to feel a sense of community as you lift each other up.

Balancing work and your recovery can feel overwhelming but it can also be an exciting moment in your life to explore what you are capable of, now sober, in a working environment. Try to replace negative words you may associate with returning to work, such as “anxiety,” “stress,” or “worry,” with words like “excitement,” and see if there is a different energy about beginning a workday. In order to incorporate a healthy work-life balance, don’t be afraid to lean on peers, recovery advocates, friends, and family, for support when reintegrating into work. Practice positive self-talk and create an optimistic intention to begin your workday with a grounded mind and body. By incorporating these tools, you will be better prepared for balancing work and your recovery you will find yourself navigating the work and life balance in early recovery with ease.


If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, Mountainside can help.
Click here or call (888) 833-4676 to speak with one of our addiction treatment experts.