Join us on the first and third Sunday of every month for ‘As the Page Turns’ Mountainside Chelsea’s virtual book club.

About this Event

This unprecedented public health crisis has made it imperative that our community stay connected socially and stimulated intellectually. What better way to solve this modern quandary than with a virtual book club?

Join us every two weeks as we discuss designated non-weighty tomes and share our thoughts and feelings about what we’re reading. It’s a sure-fire way to stay engaged mentally while also supporting the human connection that is so important for folks in recovery. Our first book is Don Miguel Ruiz’s The Four Agreements.

Reading Questions:

• What does Don Miguel Ruiz mean by the “image of perfection”? What is your image of perfection? Why does this cause so much suffering? How does this image affect your happiness? Is perfection possible? What’s harmful about trying to achieve perfection?

• The First Agreement is “Be Impeccable With Your Word.” Can you explain why this agreement is so powerful? Give examples of the power of the word in your life, either positive or negative.

• The Second Agreement is “Don’t Take Anything Personally.” Have you taken things personally? Do you take it personally if someone disagrees with you?

• The Third Agreement is “Don’t Make Assumptions.” How could making assumptions cause so much suffering? Do you assume worst-case scenarios?

• The Fourth Agreement is “Always Do Your Best.” How can this transform your life? Do you know when you’ve done your best? Is it enough to “do your best”?

Key Quotes:

  • “Imagine that you have permission to be happy and really enjoy your life.”
  • “Imagine living your life without fear of expressing your dreams.”
  • “Imagine living your life without fear of being judged by others.”
  • “Imagine living your life without the fear of loving and not being loved.”

Support Groups

It is often said that the opposite of addiction is not sobriety, but connection. Having a strong support system is paramount to your sobriety and recovery journey. At Mountainside, we offer a wide range of in-person and virtual support groups for individuals in recovery and friends and families with loved ones in recovery. These groups are designed to help you stay connected to like-minded individuals regardless of where you are.

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