Loss in Recovery

Mountainside M Logo By Mountainside

My life is crazy busy ⎼ meetings, events, family, friends, travel ⎼ sometimes it can seem overwhelming. But on the flip side, when I have free time, I don’t know what to do with it.

Looking at my life, you would think that it’s full. That I am surrounded by excitement and adventure. The reality is that sometimes, I still don’t have a clue who I am or what I like. Yes, I’m active. I try new things and seek out opportunities to grow, but I haven’t found that one thing that I am deeply passionate about. I haven’t found what ignites my inner fire.

So, what am I doing about it? I’ve been trying to slow down and not be so busy lately. I’ve been going home after work, staying in on the weekends, and spending time by myself. I have been doing some deep self-reflection, seeking answers within. I’ve stepped up my meditation and started reading books that provide me with questions that can help me on my journey of self-discovery. The quest for who I am never ends. Sometimes growth is uncomfortable, but with that comes the greatest transformation.


Welcome to the Team: Adriana Popa

As the newest Alumni Coordinator at Mountainside, I wanted to share a little about myself. I was born and raised in Romania, but I do consider myself a native New Yorker, since I’ve been living here my entire adult life. I love the hustle and bustle of NYC and couldn’t imagine being anywhere else. I have worked for Mountainside for almost five years and continue to enjoy the passion Mountainside has for its employees and clients as well as its emphasis on healthy lifestyles. I am excited to now be a part of a team whose primary focus is helping individuals build supportive networks, finding ways to have sober fun, and obtaining peace and comfort in the city that never sleeps. Animals, dancing, reading, food, and laughing are just a few of my favorite things. I look forward to meeting you all and connecting with one another in NYC.


Subscribe to our Youtube channel and leave a comment on any video for a chance to win Dreamseller, Brandon Novak’s harrowing addiction memoir. Brandon Novak, skateboarder and Jackass star, provides a graphic insight into his addiction, his fall from stardom, and his journey to sobriety in this riveting book.


If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, Mountainside can help.
Click here or call (888) 833-4676 to speak with one of our addiction treatment experts.