Get Out There This Summer!

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There is this notion that I have been hearing repeatedly lately. It is something that I have watched people hide behind in recovery. It is the idea that we are broken. That we have pieces of us that are damaged or fractured. This is a fallacy. It is something that we are told or tell ourselves, and we do it at the price of our own self-worth. We do it without realizing the negative imprint we are placing on ourselves.

I used to be one of those people. I used to believe I was damaged, so much so that it became a story that I told myself for years. I continuously listened to that voice inside me that wanted me to stay stuck, to avoid growing. But negative thinking brings self-pity and hopelessness. And even though I was doing the work, deep down I still did not believe that I was worthy of receiving something more.

But what if I told you to look at all those pieces that once felt out of place, and choose to love them instead? What if I told you that by doing so, you could change the way you feel and think about yourself? Loving yourself as you are takes practice. It isn’t like we decide we are whole, and it happens. Choosing to begin to heal and forgive yourself is the first step. You take one small piece at a time and you slowly begin to replace the old belief with something good.

Start to pay attention to the language you use with yourself – not just the words you say out loud, but the voice within you. Take that awareness and consciously begin to replace the doubt and self-hatred with forgiveness and love. Start small. Remember that even our not so good parts are part of us. Even the things we feel shame and guilt over serve a purpose. They are all lessons, motivators for us to be better humans. Those things steer us towards our truest selves, our highest potential.

Are you ready to make the change? If you are, know that you are brave for recognizing your beautiful flaws and courageous for taking your first step towards freedom. I hope you meet yourself in a space of peace and light and utter the words that are so hard to say, “I love you, and you are enough.” And if you speak them and they do not resonate, say them to yourself until you believe them because they are the truth.

I hope that you will join the Alumni team and our fabulous Wellness team at the NYC Holistic Wellness Day on July 13th, where you can begin to embrace your mind, body, and spirit.

Share Night Speakers

Many thanks to the alumni who volunteered to speak in June!

Brendan M. Stratford, CT 3627 Days
Mark K. West Haven, CT 2236 Days
Nicholas P. Bridgeport, CT 1368 Days
Tina S. Fairfield, CT 1345 Days
Daniel D. South Salem, CT 955 Days
Leslie M. Haddam Neck, CT 386 Days
Peter V. Canton, CT 357 Days
Justin V. West Hartford, CT 340 Days
Leann D. Norwalk, CT 337 Days
Please email Jessica Dolan if you are an alum with six months of sobriety and are interested in sharing your story at Alumni Share Night.


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