**This support group will be canceled on Monday July 1, 2024.

About This Addiction Recovery Support Group

Creating a sober network is an essential step to long-term drug and alcohol sobriety. Our peer-led meetings provide a safe space for you to share your successes and obstacles, seek advice, and engage with others on similar paths of sobriety. Each week, we discuss tips to help maintain sobriety, such as relapse-prevention strategies and healthy coping mechanisms, to help you live a life free of drugs and alcohol. Our addiction recovery support group is open to anyone looking for a supportive community at any stage of their recovery journey. Stay connected and stay on track with your sobriety by joining these interactive meetings!

How to Join our Addiction Recovery Meeting

**To maintain the privacy and safety of our community, attending this addiction recovery meeting for educational or research purposes is not permitted. However, you may find helpful information through our drug glossary and blog.**

Helpful Articles for Developing a Strong and Sober Network

From building connections to building healthy habits, our blog is filled with resources that can help you make the right choices for your sobriety.

Support Groups

It is often said that the opposite of addiction is not sobriety, but connection. Having a strong support system is paramount to your sobriety and recovery journey. At Mountainside, we offer a wide range of in-person and virtual support groups for individuals in recovery and friends and families with loved ones in recovery. These groups are designed to help you stay connected to like-minded individuals regardless of where you are.

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