Students throwing their caps in the air at graduations


Substance abuse can impact people from all walks of life, regardless of age, race, sexuality, gender, or socioeconomic status.  At Mountainside, we want to end the stigma surrounding addiction and help those impacted by substance abuse. Our scholarships for education and addiction treatment offer assistance to these individuals and families, so they can get the support they need to pursue their life goals. 

A group of diverse teens laughing under green trees.

Brighter Future Scholarship

We know a brighter future starts with today’s youth, and want to encourage high school students that have been impacted by addiction to recognize that their experiences are not limiting, but empowering. By articulating their experiences, the next generation can help break down the misbeliefs surrounding addiction and facilitate healing and recovery. Click below for application requirements and how to apply.

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A diverse group of people in Addiction Treatment at Mountainside treatment center.

Mountainside Scholarship Fund

Addiction inflicts damage and heartbreak on too many individuals and their loved ones each year. With support from those who have witnessed the restorative effects of alcohol or drug rehabilitation on themselves or their loved ones, the Mountainside Scholarship Fund provides financial support for comprehensive addiction treatment services to individuals in need.  Join us in helping more individuals to heal.  Make a donation toward addiction treatment scholarships today.

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