How to Reduce Alcohol Cravings

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woman struggling with alcohol cravings looking out the window

Alcohol cravings can be a significant challenge for individuals looking to modify their relationship with alcohol. Whether you’re aiming to reduce your alcohol consumption, limit it to a specific amount, or quit altogether, cravings can make it difficult to stay on track. Understanding the science behind alcohol cravings can provide valuable insights into why they occur and how to effectively manage them. Read on to learn more about the causes of cravings, practical strategies to handle them, and long-term approaches to changing your relationship with alcohol. 

Why Do Alcohol Cravings Happen? 

Cravings for alcohol can vary in intensity and duration, but they are a common experience for many individuals, especially those who consume alcohol regularly or engage in heavy drinking patterns. Several factors contribute to the development of alcohol cravings, including changes in brain chemistry, habit formation, and triggers. 

Changes in Brain Chemistry 

Alcohol abuse or regular alcohol use can alter brain chemistry, affecting neurotransmitters and creating a need for increased alcohol consumption to achieve the same effects. This phenomenon, known as tolerance, can also make you more sensitive to the effects of alcohol and increase the risk of withdrawal symptoms. When not consuming alcohol, you may experience emotional distress, anxiety, and intense cravings as a result of these changes in brain chemistry. 

Habit Formation 

Alcohol can also create habits by associating positive feelings and rewards with specific situations or emotions. For example, having a drink after a stressful day at work may become a routine that helps you relax. Over time, your brain learns to anticipate these rewards and craves them in similar situations. This habit formation can lead to cravings in new or triggering circumstances. 


Cravings often occur as automatic responses to triggers, which can be memories, emotions, or environmental cues associated with alcohol. Internal alcohol triggers include sadness, anxiety, stress, anger, and physical discomfort. External triggers involve places, times, people, and situations linked to alcohol consumption, such as visiting a bar or attending a party. Recognizing and understanding your triggers is crucial in managing alcohol cravings effectively. 

Strategies to Manage Alcohol Cravings 

While alcohol cravings can be intense, they are only temporary and can be managed with the right strategies. By employing in-the-moment techniques and long-term coping strategies, you can navigate cravings and maintain your commitment to changing your relationship with alcohol. 

  • Distract yourself. One effective way to handle cravings is to distract yourself with engaging activities that shift your focus away from the urge to drink. Creating a list of distractions and keeping it easily accessible can be helpful. Consider activities such as listening to music, reading a book, going for a walk, watching something funny, or engaging in your favorite hobby. Other options include meditation, calling a sober buddy, or taking a shower. By redirecting your attention, you can ride out the cravings until they pass. 
  • Reach out for support. Connecting with others who understand your journey can provide vital support during cravings. Whether it’s a friend, loved one, or a group of individuals in recovery, reaching out for support can help you navigate challenging moments. Having someone to confide in and share your experiences with can offer encouragement and accountability. Consider joining virtual or in-person support groups, such as Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, or SMART Recovery to connect with peers who can offer practical advice and celebrate your milestones. 
  • Stay present. Stressful situations often exacerbate cravings. Practicing mindfulness exercises can help you stay present and soothe yourself during these moments. Deep breathing or relaxation exercises, grounding techniques, physical activity like yoga or stretches, and changing your environment can be effective strategies to stay centered and manage cravings. Embracing curiosity and addressing your brain directly can also shift your perspective and empower you to move through cravings without giving in to the urge to drink. 
  • Understand your triggers. Identifying and avoiding triggers is essential in managing alcohol cravings. Take time to explore the people, places, and situations that prompt your desire to drink. By avoiding these triggers as much as possible, especially in the early stages of recovery, you can minimize the intensity of cravings. This may involve rearranging your living space, choosing alcohol-free environments, and practicing good self-care to address underlying needs for sleep, food, water, and companionship. Understanding your triggers allows you to make informed decisions that support your recovery journey. 

Long-Term Approaches to Changing Your Relationship with Alcohol 

While coping strategies can offer short-term solutions for managing cravings, changing your relationship with alcohol on a long-term basis requires a more comprehensive approach. It involves understanding your triggers, developing healthy habits, seeking support, and addressing underlying issues that contribute to alcohol cravings. 

Seek Therapy 

Therapy with a trained mental health professional, especially one specializing in substance use and recovery, can be instrumental in exploring long-term changes in alcohol consumption. A therapist can help you unpack the specific needs alcohol fulfills, explore alternate methods of stress management, and identify any underlying mental health symptoms or sleep concerns that may contribute to cravings. They can also teach mindfulness strategies, coping techniques, and cognitive behavioral approaches to challenge and reframe negative thoughts or beliefs associated with alcohol cravings 

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