Top Questions People Have About Addiction Treatment
If you and your loved ones have never been through this process before, then the whole experience can seem intimidating or even scary. Before you begin to panic and put off going to treatment for your addiction altogether, we have answers to some of the most common questions individuals struggling with addiction ask.
Top Questions People Have About Addiction Treatment
If you and your loved ones have never been through this process before, then the whole experience can seem intimidating or even scary. Before you begin to panic and put off going to treatment for your addiction altogether, we have answers to some of the most common questions individuals struggling with addiction ask.
What is the Integrative Care Model of Addiction Treatment?
The need for an integrative approach to meet the complex needs of people with mental disorders, including substance use disorders, has sparked the development of specialized mental health and addiction treatment services. Here, we discuss the main concepts underlying the Integrated Care Model.