
Alcoholism is a chronic disease that affects millions. Learn about its effects and how to get help if you or a loved one is struggling with alcohol.
Drug Addiction

Marijuana Use Rises Among College Students While Alcohol Consumption Decreases

Dangerous COVID-19 trend shows college students are turning to marijuana to cope with anxiety and social isolation and drinking less alcohol.
Drug Addiction

The Queen's Gambit: How Accurately Does it Portray Addiction?

Have you watched The Queen’s Gambit? We asked people our recovery community what they thought of the show and this is what they had to say.
Family Wellness

How to Tell if Someone is Drinking Too Much and How to Help

Learn the warning signs of alcoholism and what you can do to get your loved ones the help they need.

Too Young to Die: Liver-Related Deaths From Heavy Drinking Among Young Adults

It only took three years of heavy drinking for Lance Juracka to die from alcohol-related liver disease. He was 36. Ian Whitcomb was just 30 when he was diagnosed with advanced-stage cirrhosis of the liver. Rachel Martin was 38 when doctors told her she could die within the month as a result of her drinking. […]
Family Wellness

5 Things I Learned From My Dad's Addiction to Alcohol

It may not seem like it right now, but things can end up "OK."

Alcohol: What You Need to Know

Alcohol is everywhere in our society but you may not know as much about alcohol as you think. Here is what you need to know.

Is Alcohol Good for Your Health?

Some people claim that alcohol — in moderation — is good for your health, but is that true? Learn what recent studies have to say.

College Students & Alcohol Abuse

It's no secret that college students drink alcohol, but just how much are they drinking? Get the facts about college students and alcohol abuse.

How to Help a Friend Struggling with Alcohol Abuse

Watching a friend struggle with alcohol abuse can be heartbreaking, but there are steps you can take to help your friend get back on track to living a happy, healthy life.

Could Anxiety Be Causing You to Drink?

Do you suffer from anxiety? Do you find yourself drinking alcohol to feel better? Learn about the connection between alcoholism and anxiety, and what you can do to treat both.

Drinking to Death

Americans are drinking themselves to death faster than ever before. Learn more about America's silent killer: alcohol.

19 Reasons to Get Sober in 2019

The new year is just around the corner and it is the perfect time to make some real changes. If you are struggling with drugs and alcohol, why not make this the year you change your life?