Education & Awareness

Learn more about what drives addiction and causes mental health disorders. Below are articles about PTSD and trauma, how addiction affects the brain, current medical research, and more.

Managing Your Anger: Don't Let It Get the Best of You

Are you constantly lashing out at others? Always feeling tense? Find out how to manage your anger before it takes a toll on your mental health.

Does Having ADHD Make You More Likely to Develop an Addiction?

Co-occurring disorders such as ADHD and addiction are common. Understand the links between the two disorders and how they can be treated together.
Education & Awareness

How Addiction Changes Your Personality

Addiction alters brain activity, leading to personality changes. Find out the different ways addiction can affect you and what you can do to reclaim your life.

More Women are Drinking More, Multiple Studies Find

Research shows that women are drinking more than ever before. Read about the reasons behind their alcohol use problem.

Fight, Flight, Freeze, Fawn: Our Natural Response to Threats

When stress becomes overwhelming, the body responds. Learn about the four different trauma responses and how to explore these behaviors.
Education & Awareness

How Does Alcohol Withdrawal Affect the Body?

You know you need to quit drinking, but you're worried about withdrawal symptoms. Learn what happens to your body here.
Education & Awareness

What You Say Matters: How Society Talks About Addiction

When it comes to addiction, what you say matters. Learn about what language stigmatizes addiction and creates further harm than help.
Trending Recovery Topics

The FDA and JUUL Labs Feud Over Vapes

The sordid relationship between the FDA and JUUL Labs has resulted in a slew of policies and press releases due to the rise of teen vaping.
Education & Awareness

How Is Trauma Linked to Addiction?

For many who experience a trauma, the shock and hurt dissipates with time. Others, however, may turn to substances and develop addictions.
Education & Awareness

What Are Triggers?

What does "I'm triggered" actually mean? Feeling triggered is different than just feeling upset or mad. Learn more about its clinical meaning.
Education & Awareness

10 Effects of Alcohol on the Body

Long-term alcohol use impacts your physical health. Learn about alcoholism's negative effects on the brain, heart, liver, and other organs.
Education & Awareness

6 Steps for Setting Boundaries with Someone in Recovery

Create boundaries with a loved one to protect your mental health and give structure to their recovery. Learn the essential steps.