Education & Awareness

Learn more about what drives addiction and causes mental health disorders. Below are articles about PTSD and trauma, how addiction affects the brain, current medical research, and more.

Baby Boomers and Millennials Are Driving The Opioid Crisis

The opioid epidemic has impacted over 2.5 million users and their families. Learn about two generations that have been particularly hard-hit: Baby Boomers and Millennials.

Women and Trauma: A Pathway to Addiction

It is estimated by the National Institute on Drug Abuse that as many as 80 percent of women who are currently seeking treatment for addiction have a history of trauma. This number is only based on women that are seeking treatment, and of those women, those who report it – the number could very easily be higher than 80 percent.

A “Harmless” Addiction

Those who miss their use may cope by replacing one addiction with another. Learn why this is harmful and how to treat any underlying issues.

When Disaster Strikes: How to Prevent Natural Disasters from Triggering a Relapse

Natural disasters can induce anxiety in general, but they are especially destructive to those recovering from addiction. Avoid relapse using these tips.
Education & Awareness

Moderate Drinking Has a Negative Effect on Memory, Study Says

Those who thought drinking in moderation was risk-free may reconsider after hearing the results of a study that links moderate drinking with memory loss.
Addiction Treatment

Men, Trauma, and Addiction

Addicted men and women react to treatment differently. Discover how a man’s upbringing can determine the effectiveness of his recovery efforts.

Is Vaping Really Safer?

Because it is easier to hide, research shows that vaping increases the risk that an individual will experiment with drugs, especially if they are young.

Study Links Regular Alcohol Consumption to Skin Cancer

It’s no secret that drinking alcohol on a regular basis can be dangerous to your health. You can add another risk to that list ─ skin cancer.

Do You Know Where Your Unused Prescriptions End Up?

More than four billion prescriptions are filled each year. Have you ever wondered what happens to all the unused prescription pills?

The Truth Behind the High Rates of Substance Abuse in the LGBTQ Community

According to the American Psychological Association, minority stress is behind it. While times have changed, members of the LGBTQ community are still the minority and face incredible amounts of discrimination and prejudice that can trigger stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental disorders.

How Do Drugs and Alcohol Affect Your Body?

We all know that drugs and alcohol can put your entire body at risk, but do you know how? In this short video, we explain how substances can affect your body.

Carfentanil: A New Killer on the Loose

While many accidental overdoses last year involved Fentanyl, there is an even more dangerous drug hitting the streets, Carfentanil.