
Recovery is a lifelong journey. Get tips to strengthen your recovery and help you to live a healthy, happy sober life.

What to Do When You Miss Your Addiction

At a certain point in recovery, a person may feel distanced enough from addiction that they begin to romanticize past substance abuse habits. Use these tips to avoid relapse.

50 Things to Do Instead of Drinking

We put together a list of 50 things to do when you have urges to drink again so you can put your energy into healthy activities and sober fun.

Dreaming About Relapsing? Find Out What It Means

Ever had a dream about relapsing and using again? Learn what these unnerving dreams can mean and what you can do to safeguard your sobriety.

Drug Overdose: Everything You Need to Know

Drug abuse always carries the risk of serious side effects, including overdose. Understand the causes and symptoms behind an overdose.

My Journey as a Gay Man in Recovery

For years, Kevin used alcohol to cope with who he was and who he thought he needed to be. His drinking eventually spiraled into alcoholism, and he found at risk of losing everything. In this article, Kevin shares how accepting who he is has played a critical role in his recovery.

19 of the Best LGBTQ+ Books

These 19 reads are the best LGBTQ+ books for learning about the complexities of queerness from experts and community members.

My Experience Setting Boundaries in Early Recovery

Setting boundaries in recovery is hard. In my personal experience, I learned a few things you can do in case your boundaries are tested.

Why New Year's Resolutions Often Fail and How to Change Your Approach

Are your resolutions so ambitious you often give up soon after you start? Change your approach to setting goals to better achieve success.

How to Handle Holiday Stress

As the end of the year approaches, many people are consumed with holiday preparations. Whether that is baking cookies or hosting a large gathering, the holidays can be both mentally and physically draining.  Learning to recognize common stressors will help you take control of the holiday season and eliminate any unpleasant surprises. Learn to Manage […]

All the Ways I’m Thankful I’m Sober

For people in recovery, Thanksgiving should be a time of reflection and gratitude. Be thankful for your sobriety and the loved ones that support you.

What I Wish My Family Would Have Known When I Was Struggling With Addiction

Discover why addiction is a family disease and how it affects everyone, not just the individual struggling with substance abuse.

From Lost Dreams to Dream Life: My Story of Recovery

When I was a little girl, I dreamt of helping others in some regard. As I went through school for something I had little interest in, and my addiction took hold of my life, I felt I was incapable of helping anyone, let alone myself. So I gave up. Using Substances to Cope I believed […]