Common Relapse Signs to Watch Out For
Many say that "relapse is a part of recovery" but that does not mean it is inevitable. There are signs to watch out and steps you can take to safeguard your recovery. Learn how you can increase your chances at long-term sobriety.
Is it Possible to Stay Sober in College?
Drinking heavily and experimenting with drugs is almost considered a rite of passage in college. We assume that everyone does it. And the statistics back that assumption up. Sixty percent of college students have had a drink in the last month and two-thirds of them engaged in binge drinking during that time period. In fact, […]
An Introvert's Guide to Small Talk
Introverts are often misunderstood. They may come off as anti-social, bored, distant, unenthusiastic, or rude. But the truth is that they are simply shy.
How to Ask for Help When You Relapse
People in recovery who feel they are experiencing relapse need outside support to cope with their emotions. Learn how to ask for help during this tough time.
Sober Living: Is It Right for You?
Sober living homes are helpful for those in early recovery, as relapses typically occur 30-90 days after leaving rehab. Discover whether it is right for you.