

Dreaming About Relapsing? Find Out What It Means

Ever had a dream about relapsing and using again? Learn what these unnerving dreams can mean and what you can do to safeguard your sobriety.

What to Do When Your Loved One Relapses

Watching your loved one relapse is both disheartening and concerning. Learn what you can do to help them get back on the path to sobriety.

Why Your Loved One Using Again Is Not the End of the Road (And What You Can Do)

Is your loved one struggling with substance abuse? Recovery Coach Rick Lepkowski shares why it is important to take care of your own well-being as well.

How to Stay Sober After a Friend’s Relapse

Watching anyone relapse is hard, but it can be particularly difficult when the person who relapses is someone you are close to. This can make you question your own recovery, casting doubt that efforts you’ve made are going to work for you in the future. And it can be isolating, feeling like you are now […]

How to Ask for Help When You Relapse

People in recovery who feel they are experiencing relapse need outside support to cope with their emotions. Learn how to ask for help during this tough time.

When Disaster Strikes: How to Prevent Natural Disasters from Triggering a Relapse

Natural disasters can induce anxiety in general, but they are especially destructive to those recovering from addiction. Avoid relapse using these tips.