Sober Living


Reclaiming Fun: Strategies to Avoid Summer Drinking Without Missing Out

The allure of summer drinking can be hard for those trying to abstain from drinking. Read how to reject FOMO and avoid summer binge drinking.

How to Set SMART Goals in Recovery

Setting SMART goals in recovery can help you achieve health, wellbeing & long-term sobriety. Learn some examples of SMART goals.

How to Get Started with Fitness and Exercise in Recovery

Starting exercise in recovery has many more benefits than weight loss: a mind-body connection, natural endorphins, and self-esteem building.

How to Practice Self-Love

Cultivating self-love is no easy feat. But when you're kinder to yourself, the benefits are endless. Find out how to start loving yourself.
Sober Living

5 Ways to Have a Sober St. Patrick's Day

Sober on the biggest drinking day of the year? Don't worry. Celebrate St. Patrick's Day and prioritize recovery with a few simple tips.

Single & Sober on Valentine’s Day? Beat the Blues

Valentine's day can often bring on feelings of loneliness and depression. For those in recovery, this can be triggering and lead to a relapse. Protect yourself against the valentine's day blues, and learn how to strengthen your recovery.
Sober Living

Celebrating Clear: How to Have a Sober Super Bowl Party

“Every experience in life is a chance to grow and embrace who we truly are. Sobriety offers the opportunity to rediscover ourselves and live authentically, free from the chains of addiction.” -Russell Brand Anticipation is growing for the 58th Super Bowl scheduled to be held in Las Vegas, Nevada this upcoming Sunday, February 11th. Whether […]

Recovery Rocks: Sober Music Festivals and Concerts

For those in early recovery, attending a concert can be triggering. Find out the best ways of staying sober at music festivals.

How to Manage Holiday Stress

Are you overwhelmed with holiday stress? Make this season enjoyable and find out how to manage your stress effectively.

The Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide for People in Recovery

If you need holiday gift ideas for someone in recovery, then click here for gifts that will support them and show them how much you care.

Own Your Sobriety: How to Date in Recovery

Jumping back into the dating scene may feel daunting to those in recovery. By owning sobriety and having confidence, everything else will follow.

Finding a Job After Addiction Treatment: What You Should Know

Completing residential treatment means returning to the outside world, which can often be filled with challenges. One major obstacle for many is finding a new job or perhaps even a first job.  You may be returning to the work environment after an extended period. You might have decided to change your job or career path to better maintain sobriety. Whatever your situation is, a job search can be a daunting task. Knowing what […]