
12 Step

12 Step is a set of principles to strengthen your sobriety and guide you through your recovery process. The program was created over 70 years ago as part of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), and countless people now credit their sobriety to working the steps. Discover 12 Step programs designed for addiction recovery and the power of engaging in support networks to strengthen your self-confidence.

Working the 12 Steps—Working Your Recovery

Overcoming addiction is possible, but behavioral changes do not happen overnight. Learn how the 12 Step program can strengthen recovery and change lives.

12 Misconceptions About 12 Step Meetings

False assumptions about 12 Step meetings are common. Discover myths about the program and how it actually benefits those recovering from addiction.

Does 12 Step Work?

Evidence-supported addiction treatment is often considered more valuable than other methods. Discover alternate treatment options that produce positive results.

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