
Alcoholism is a chronic disease that affects millions. Learn about its effects and how to get help if you or a loved one is struggling with alcohol.

Dry January: 6 Ways Your Body Changes When You Stop Drinking Alcohol

Start the New Year off on the right foot! Quit alcohol for a month this Dry January 2023 and reap these 6 amazing benefits.

More Women are Drinking More, Multiple Studies Find

Research shows that women are drinking more than ever before. Read about the reasons behind their alcohol use problem.

How Does Alcohol Withdrawal Affect the Body?

You know you need to quit drinking, but you're worried about withdrawal symptoms. Learn what happens to your body here.

50 Things to Do Instead of Drinking

We put together a list of 50 things to do when you have urges to drink again so you can put your energy into healthy activities and sober fun.
Family Wellness

What to Do to Help When Your Father is an Alcoholic

Learn how to help your alcoholic dad recover and seek treatment for his addiction while also taking care of your own mental health.

Drug Overdose: Everything You Need to Know

Drug abuse always carries the risk of serious side effects, including overdose. Understand the causes and symptoms behind an overdose.
Family Wellness

How Are Children Impacted by Growing Up with Alcoholic Parents?

Having an alcoholic parent puts children at higher risk of developing addiction and mental health issues in the future; learn how to thrive in adulthood.

25 Reasons to Stop Drinking Alcohol for Good

Have you been considering giving up alcohol but need a little push? Check out these 25 reasons why you should finally stop drinking for good.

10 Effects of Alcohol on the Body

Long-term alcohol use impacts your physical health. Learn about alcoholism's negative effects on the brain, heart, liver, and other organs.

How to Break the Vicious Cycle of Stress and Alcoholism

Stress does not mix well with alcohol, but many anxious people drink anyway. Learn how stress drinking can lead to alcoholism.

Tips For Smoothly Attending a Holiday Party While in Recovery

Holiday parties can bring extra stress for people in recovery. Learn tips to plan ahead, minimize the risk of relapse, and remain committed to sobriety during the festivities.
Drug Addiction

How to Handle Holiday Stress

As the end of the year approaches, many people are consumed with holiday preparations. Whether that is baking cookies or hosting a large gathering, the holidays can be both mentally and physically draining.  Learning to recognize common stressors will help you take control of the holiday season and eliminate any unpleasant surprises. Learn to Manage […]