
Children of Alcoholic Parents

Around 1/3 of alcoholics had at least one parent in their household who was an alcoholic while they were growing up. Educating yourself about addiction is an important step in recovery. Learn more about its effects and what you can do to achieve long-term sobriety.
Family Wellness

Unveiling the Trauma of Childhood with Addicted Parents

Growing up with an addicted parent is traumatic. Learn about adult children of alcoholics and addicts and how to heal the associated trauma.

Stories of Transformation: Amy L.

Amy was always interested in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and striving for good grades, but then addiction got in the way. See what happens when Amy chose to put her own life first.
Drug Addiction

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren of Addicted Parents: What to Do

Grandparents are stepping in to raise their grandchildren while the parent struggles with addiction. Learn how to navigate this situation so both you and your grandchild can thrive.
Family Wellness

What to Do to Help When Your Father is an Alcoholic

Learn how to help your alcoholic dad recover and seek treatment for his addiction while also taking care of your own mental health.
Drug Addiction

5 Do’s and Don’ts for Parents of Addicted Adults

As a parent of an adult addict, it's hard to know how to best support your child. Learn 5 tips to help them live a substance-free life
Drug Addiction

How Can I Best Help My Addicted Parent?

Coping with a mother or father who has an alcohol or drug problem can take a physical and emotional toll on your well-being. See
Family Wellness

5 Things I Learned From My Dad's Addiction to Alcohol

It may not seem like it right now, but things can end up "OK."

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