It is often said that addiction is a family disease. Whether you're trying to help a loved one or work through family dynamics after recovery, many helpful links are below.
Watching your child struggle with drugs or alcohol can make you feel hopeless and helpless. Learn what you can do to help your loved one overcome their addiction.
Watching your child struggle with drugs and alcohol can leave you feeling helpless. Learn what you can do to help them without enabling their addiction.
When Maggie's dad revealed his struggles with alcohol, her whole life changed. Now, Maggie shares what she has learned from her father's struggle with addiction.
Drug overdoses were once kept hidden behind closed doors. But as the opioid epidemic spreads, more and more families are sharing the truth about their loved one’s use, addiction, and death ⎼ in hopes of helping others who are struggling.
Mothers have multiple responsibilities that cause many to self-medicate with alcohol and prescription drugs. Here are the best addiction treatment options for mothers with busy lives.
Addiction is a family disease that stresses the family to the breaking point, impacts the stability of the home, the family’s unity, mental health, physical health, finances, and overall family dynamics.