What is Trauma Bonding?
Trauma bonding recovery may be challenging, but is doable with the right treatment for narcissistic abuse. Learn more about breaking trauma bonds here.
What is Intergenerational Trauma?
Intergenerational trauma is passed down from generation to generation. Learn more about the factors and causes and the role of epigenetics in intergenerational trauma
Can Emotional Abuse Lead to PTSD?
PTSD is often associated with military combat, but this condition can develop from emotional abuse. Learn the signs and how to find healing.
Survivor's Guilt: A Symptom of PTSD
Survivor’s guilt is a component of PTSD and can initially be hard to spot. Learn about the signs of survivor’s guilt, how to cope, and how to heal from trauma.
How Is Trauma Linked to Addiction?
For many who experience a trauma, the shock and hurt dissipates with time. Others, however, may turn to substances and develop addictions.