
Learn about what's trending in recovery and addiction news, including new, dangerous trends, drugs to be informed about, social media trends, and celebrity recovery and news.

Stress Drinking is Ultimately Costing You

Deal with your emotions and stress in healthy ways instead of reaching for a drink. There are many health issues that develop from chronic drinking, particularly for the liver.

10 Books About Addiction and Recovery You Should Read

Our alumni told us the books that helped them in recovery; we compiled them into a list to help you find the one that will inspire you in your journey too.

Addiction on the Big Screen: How Movies Portray Substance Abuse

Movies have the ability to make a profound impact on society. Check out how these films did their part by shining a spotlight on substance abuse.

Busted: Debunking The Myth That Drugs Enhance Musical Creativity

Debunking the long-running notion in popular culture that the use of drugs fosters creativity, notably amongst musicians.

Pro Athletes Shattering the Stigma Surrounding Mental Health

Professional athletes are using their platforms to destigmatize the conversation surrounding mental health. See what Kevin Love, Colin Wilson, and others have to say.

Benadryl Challenge, TripTok, and #Ket: TikTok and Drug Use Among Gen Z

With recent TikTok trends like the Benadryl Challenge, TripTok, and #Ket, many parents are wondering if there is a larger drug use problem facing Gen Z.
Mental Health

Healthcare Workers Battling COVID-19 and Mental Health Woes

In the battle against COVID-19, health care workers don't just risk their physical health but also their mental well-being.

Shia LeBeouf’s new movie “Honey Boy” hit close to home for this child of an alcoholic

Turns out I have a whole lot in common with Shia Lebeouf. Who would have thought?

Interview with Dave from Dopey Podcast

We turn the tables on Dave from Dopey Podcast! He talks about the start of Dopey, his upcoming secret projects, and how his life has changed since getting sober.

NY Bans Alcohol Ads on City Property

Alcohol abuse is a prominent issue among New Yorkers. Mayor Bill de Blasio is hoping to help by banning alcohol advertising on city-owned property.

Drugged Driving: Opioids Causing a Spike in Deadly Car Accidents

Opioids and car accidents may be more connected than we think. Learn how prescription medications could be leading to a spike in deadly car accidents.

5 Celebrities on Addiction, Recovery, and Sobriety

Bradley Cooper, Demi Lovato, Steven Tyler, Vince Staples, and Danny Trejo talks about their relationship with drugs and alcohol.